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During an inspection, our service provider will try to determine the following:

  • The type of system. (Septic tank, aeration system, etc.)
  • The capacity of the tank in gallons
  • Was the liquid in the tank at the proper level?
  • Was there any surface discharge observed or effluent noticed on the ground?
  • Did water enter the tank from the house? (Need to have access to running water in the house to check this.)
  • Was the outlet tee in place?
  • Did the tank appear to be in good working condition?
  • Does the tank have lids and risers and are they in good condition?
  • Did the level of solids in the tank warrant pumping?
  • Was the system working properly as observed?

Yes. The process of deterioration happens to concrete tanks. Gases build up in the septic tank as a result of the decomposition of waste inside the tank. More solids present in the tank will mean more gases present in the tank, resulting in more rapid deterioration. Over a period of years, the gases inside the tank slowly start to eat away at the surface of the concrete. This process occurs above the water line in the tank and will affect the top of the tank. Concrete below the water level is usually not affected. As the process takes it course, the surface areas of the concrete become rough and start to crumble away. Slowly, larger pieces begin to break away. Eventually, the rebar or steel inside the concrete, once used for strength, will rust away. As the process continues, the concrete loses its strength. At some point, as the concrete weakens, the lids will collapse if not repaired or replaced. Pumping removes the waste in the tank which reduces the amount of gases in the tank. This means that more frequent pumping can greatly slow down, but not eliminate, the deterioration process of the septic tank. Over time, some deterioration of the tank is inevitable.

Yes, but it could also be from another source. First of all, determine if the source is on your property. Going upwind from your house can help determine this. If the source of the odor is on your property, check for possible propane or gas leaks and take appropriate safety measures if such a leak is the cause. Once you eliminate the possibility of a propane or gas leak, you can move on to the septic system as a potential source. Have the tank pumped if you notice sewage in the yard or it has been 3 to 5 years since you’ve had it pumped out. You could also try having your vent pipe on top of your house extended. If you still have an odor problem, you can try adding bacteria to the tank or call a plumber to check your lines for plugs, breakage or leaks.

It can be very harmful. We recommend all roof and surface water be routed away from your septic system. Excess water can hinder performance by flooding the secondary treatment system. Install gutters, make changes to your landscaping and install down spouts connected into tiles to channel the surface water away.

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